Vercel wordmark
Tremor is joining Vercel.


Latest changes, bug fixes, and new component releases


Nov 09, 2024

New chart feature: Axis Padding

This release adresses the chart padding of the x axis. We also bumped our dependencies and added some useful hints to the console.

New Components and Features

Fixes and Improvements


May 20, 2024

New chart feature: Axis Labels

This release finally tackles Axis Labels. We added them to all charts along with a few other improvements. Read all about it here:

New Components and Features

  • BarList:

    Fixes a name type issue and adds option none to sortOrder. #1048

  • CategoryBar:

    CategoryBar CategoryBar now supports values more than 100 or less than 100 (while more than 1). #1036

    Thanks to to our community member lcandy2 for this neat contribution.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Tab: Small fix for selected Tab text color.

Apr 16, 2024

Introducing a new member to the chart family: Funnel Chart.

We’re excited to unveil our latest chart, the FunnelChart! A big thank you to our community hero mbauchet for this stellar contribution.

Release cover 3.16.0

New Components and Features

  • Funnel Chart:

    New chart component to display things like: What percent of users converted through my signup funnel within 10 days? At what step of the signup funnel did most users drop off? How has the payment funnel conversion rate in the US changed over time? #1014

Fixes and Improvements

  • Internal NoData Component: Improved styles and removed dependencies.

Mar 27, 2024

Overhauled BarList and new prop on BarChart.

This updates adds an overhauled BarList with more styles. We’ve added a new barCategoryGap to customise the BarChart even more. Additionally, we’ve ironed out several bugs and a few added UI refinements.

New Components and Features

  • BarChart:

    Added barCategoryGap to adjust the gap between two bar categories, which can be a percent value or a fixed value. #1002

  • BarList:

    Improved Barlist styling when hovered over a bar or anchor. Added a new sortOrder prop. Fixed an propagation issue. #1004

  • Textarea:

    Added a new autoHeight prop to automatically adjust the height given the input. #798

    Thank you amirhesham65 for this useful PR!

Fixes and Improvements

  • General: Overhaul of the Tooltip styling. Added a dedicated darkmode style and fixed the text overflow issue. #1001
  • TableHeaderCell: Fixed type issue.
  • Dialog: Fixed overflow-hidden issue.
  • Tabs: Fixed focus ring with keyboard and dark mode color issue.

Feb 10, 2024

New features and bug fixes in Sparkcharts, SearchSelect, and BarList

In our latest update, we’ve added more scale props to the Spark Charts, enhanced SearchSelect with onValueChange, and improved the interactivity of the BarList. Additionally, we’ve ironed out several bugs and a few added UI refinements.

New Components and Features

Fixes and Improvements

  • General: Overhaul of the
  • Housekeeping: Replaced flex-shrink-0 with shrink-0. Removed the double shadow occurence in DateRangePicker.
  • Bage, DeltaBadge, Table, List: Improvements of visibility and darkmode appearance.
  • Legend: Removed gradients when slider is enabled.
  • TextInput, NumberInput: Improved styling when used with password extenstions.

Jan 11, 2024

First release of 2024: A new Dialog Component

This release adds a new Dialog component. We also extended the custom colors feature to the Tracker and added a new prop to our charts.

Release cover 3.13.0

New Components and Features

  • Tracker:

    Updated color key in thedata prop to accept custom color variants, including HEX (e.g., #4D9CFF) andTailwind colors (e.g., "blue-200"), next to our Tremor base colors (e.g., "blue"). #872

    Thank you mbauchet for this PR.

  • AreaChart, BarChart, LineChart, ScatterChart:

    New tickGap to set the minimum distance between labels on the X-axis. #890

  • Dialog:

    New Dialog component for enhanced modality. #886

    A heartfelt "Thank you" to iamtouha for this great PR.

Fixes and Improvements

  • General: Icon overhaul across all components employing the internal icons from the asset folder and replaced the internal tailwind mapping. Added an export for `CustomTooltipProp`
  • Dependencies: Updated all Tailwind CSS dependencies to their latest versions.
  • Button: Fixed transition error when the `loading` prop is set to `true`.

    Thanks to iamtouha for fixing this issue.

  • Select, SearchSelect, MultiSelect: Added props for form usage.

    This issue was fixed by our awesome community contributors: jzfrank and mbauchet, thank you!


Dec 14, 2023

The feature we have all been waiting for is finally here

This release tackles the most upvoted GitHub issue in our repository. With custom colors for charts, Tremor helps you now build even better dashboards for customer-facing purposes or anything else that requires to comply to specific branding rules. HEX values and Tailwind colors next to our Tremor base colors can now be used.

Release cover 3.12.0
Theming: If you use Tremor in an existing project, we recommend to update your `tailwind.config.js` with Tremor’s newest `tailwind.config.js`. You will find it here

New Components and Features

  • AreaChart, BarChart, DonutChart, LineChart, ScatterChart, SparkAreaChart, SparkBarChart, SparkLineChart:

    colors prop now supports custom color variants, including HEX (e.g. #4D9CFF) and Tailwind colors (e.g. "blue-200"), next to our Tremor base colors (e.g. "blue"). #843

    <LineChart  {...props}  colors={[    // now supports any mix of tremor base colors...    'emerald',    'indigo',
        //... tailwind colors    'orange-400',
        // ..., and custom colors    '#32a852',    '#ffcc33',    'my-custom-color-450',  ]}/>

    Attention using HEX:

    For using HEX values, an individual update to the Tailwind theme safelist is required. This ensures that the relevant className for the provided HEX value is generated at build time. See a step-by-step guideline in the doc's theming section.

    safelist: [    // ..    // custom colors    ...['[#32a852]', '[#ffcc33]', ['my-custom-color-450']].flatMap((customColor) => [      `bg-${customColor}`,      `border-${customColor}`,      `hover:bg-${customColor}`,      `hover:border-${customColor}`,      `hover:text-${customColor}`,      `fill-${customColor}`,      `ring-${customColor}`,      `stroke-${customColor}`,      `text-${customColor}`,      `ui-selected:bg-${customColor}`,      `ui-selected:border-${customColor}`,      `ui-selected:text-${customColor}`,    ]),  ],

    A heartfelt "Thank you!" goes out to our incredible contributor adamhenson for crafting this PR.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Table: Improvements to internal styling and better forwarding of className. #774
  • Switch: Fixed missing tooltip prop. #819, thanks to rajdip-b
  • Tracker: Subtle design update. #839
  • Table: Root styling with where `className` gets propagated correctly.
  • Table: Root styling with where `className` gets propagated correctly. And `tabular-nums` are removed from the default styling
  • TextInput: Fixed blur and tab issue when type is set to `password`. Improved the eye icons to be more recognizable.

Post-Halloween Treats: Enhanced Legend, Rotatable Labels, Textarea & Spark Charts!

Hey there! Halloween is over but we still have some treats for you this week. There is a huge improvement to the legend, labels are now rotatable, new Textarea, spark charts components, and disabled Dates in the Date (Range) Picker. This goes along with a few fixes.

Release cover 3.11.0

New Components and Features

Fixes and Improvements


Oct 23, 2023

Switching gears in 3.10: The new Switch component is live!

Hey! Exciting week ahead: There is a new <Switch/> component and improvements on the tick display on our charts. This goes along with a few fixes.

New Components and Features

Fixes and Improvements

Migration Info

  • `tailwind.config.js`: We adjusted the border color in dark mode.

    Action: Replace DEFAULT: "#1f2937", // gray-900 with DEFAULT: "#374151", // gray-700.


Oct 10, 2023

Do more with your data: Announcing custom chart tooltips and a new viz component!

Howdy! Exciting updates to our charts - now with fully customizable tooltips for better analytics. Plus, check out our new component: <ProgressCircle/>.

Once again, our heartfelt thanks go out to our incredible community for crafting PRs, flagging Issues, and contributing code, particularly the MVPs: mbauchet and jzfrank, who were key contributors in this release.

Funny story about mbauchet: In this release, we were unexpectedly greeted by a message from mbauchet, showcasing a screenshot of a bug in our yet-to-be-unveiled documentation. The surprise here? It was available only through a cryptic, unreleased preview link. Ingeniously deducing the URL from another preview link previously shared with our community. That’s what we call passion!

Release cover 3.9

New Components and Features

Fixes and Improvements


Sept 25, 2023

Charting a new course: Announcing on click events for more interactivity!

Hello! In the last two weeks, our phenomenal contributors, along with our team, have been working to introduce new feature: Chart Interactivity. This enhancement has been on the wish list of our users for a long time. Additionally, we have given a facelift to some charts and tabs.

Release cover 3.8

New Components and Features

Fixes and Improvements


Sept 5, 2023

Better Datepicker and Multiselect

Hello all, this week we’re introducing a new prop to both the date picker and the date range picker. Additionally, we’re enhancing how selected items are displayed in the multiselect component.

New Components and Features

  • Date (Range) Picker: New weekStartsOn property to set a desired index for the first day of the week. E.g. 0 = Sunday. #643
  • MultiSelect: New display of selected items with the option to clear items individually. #638

    Thanks to GitHub user jzfrank for those PRs.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixes remove scroll utility from css #652
  • Fixes toggling on MultiSelect click #655
  • Make Grid RSC compliant #639
  • Improved MultiSelectSearch with spaces and added new placeholderSearch prop. #651
  • Fixes multiselect overflow-x scrollbar on Firefox #669
  • Improved conditinal rendering on tabs and added extra Margins in Tab and Button #667
  • Adds bold style to Today in Calendar #659
  • Fixes NumberInput does not pass event value through onChange issue #649

Jul 29, 2023

Introducing a new member to the family: Scatter Chart

Hi everyone, we are thrilled to announce the release of our brand new chart: the <ScatterChart/>! This addition opens up exciting possibilities for displaying data. We would like to extend a huge thank you to the GitHub user mbauchet.

Release cover 3.6

New Components and Features

Fixes and Improvements


Jul 23, 2023

New number input component

Today, we’re adding <NumberInput> as our new component. We were not really sure about our initial design. This is why we reached out to Twitter for a quick poll. Against our expectations, it felt like we brought together the entire design community on Twitter: We received more than 180 Twitter comments of users telling us how we should style the new component. In the end, Konstantin’s suggestion won the race. It’s always great to see how tiny details can lead to interesting discussions and let us connect to people around the globe with the same dedication to detail.

Release cover 3.5

New Components and Features

v3.3.0 ... 3.4.0

Jul 3, 2023

New Date Picker component and select improvements

There a new Date Picker component to select a single date. We also merged PRs from our community, improving select components.

Fixes and Improvements

  • DatePicker: New DatePicker component which allow for single selecting dates
  • Single Select: Adding the functionality to clear state in Single Select component #508
v3.1.0 ... 3.2.0

Jun 13, 2023

Fixes to pie chart and datepicker, new Button tooltip

We merged PRs from our community, improving the Button by adding a tooltip. We also improved the themeability of the donut chart’s pie variant. There was also a minor DateRangePicker fix, plus upgrading our charts.

Fixes and Improvements


Jun 8, 2023

Out of the blue. Introducing: Theming & Darkmode

Hello, Grüezi, Γεια σας. It’s the Tremor team coming to you live from around the globe. We were super busy the last weeks working on our next major release – bringing a bunch of new features people have been asking for a long time. In brief, we are adding:

  • Comprehensive global theming via tailwind.config.js

  • An out-of-the-box darkmode

  • A new tremor CLI helping you setting up projects faster

Important: Docs for V2 can be found here.

Release cover 3.0

Migration Info

  • Theming: If you use Tremor in an existing project, you have to add/extend your `tailwind.config.js` with Tremor’s `tailwind.config.js`. See first bullet point below.
  • `tailwind.config.js`: Our theming works by extending the tailwind config theme. In order to get the correct styles, please see the tailwind.config.js example in the new Theming page in our docs.

    Action: Add Tremor’s theme styles to your `tailwind.config.js` theme section.

    Attention: See Theming with Tremor for more.

  • Breaking Toggle: This component has been removed. The Tabs component now has two variants: "line" and "solid". The solid variant mimics the look of the Toggle component.

    Action: Replace <Toggle> and <ToggleItem> with <TabList variant="solid">. Note that the API for the tabs has changed significantly.

  • Breaking Tabs: The Tabs component and its API has been completely redesigned.

    Action: Replace <Tab> and <TabItem>, as well as the state logic (index and onIndexChange) with <TabGroup>, <TabList>, <Tab>, <TabPanels>, <TabPanel>. Please refer to the tabs documentation.

  • Breaking Dropdown: This component has been removed. Use the new `Select` component.

    Action: Replace <Dropdown> and <DropdownItem> with <Select> and <SelectItem> Note that the API for Select has changed.

  • Breaking DateRangePicker: API changed significantly.The value prop uses Object instead of Array. The select options now use children.

    Action: Replace the value array with the object.

    Action: Replace enableDropdown with enableSelect.

    Action: Replace dropdownPlaceholder with selectPlaceholder.

  • Breaking Select, SearchSelect, MultiSelectBox: The type of the value property has been changed to string. MultiSelectBox has been renamed to MultiSelect. Prop text has been replaced with a children property.

    Action: Cast the input for value to string

  • Breaking Grid: Properties with numCol have been renamed.

    Action: Replace <Grid numColsSm={2}> with <Grid numItemsSm={2}>

  • Breaking ProgressBar: Properties have been renamed.

    Action: Replace percentageValue with value

  • Breaking MarkerBar: Properties have been renamed.

    Action: Replace percentageValue with markerValue

  • Breaking DeltaBar: Properties have been renamed.

    Action: Replace percentageValue with value

  • Breaking CategoryBar: Properties have been renamed.

    Action: Replace percentageValue with value

    Action: Replace categoryPercentageValues with values

  • Breaking RangeBar: Has been removed. Use the MarkerBar with it’s new minValue and maxValue props.

    Action: Replace RangeBar with <MarkerBar minValue={XX} maxValue={XX}>